Helen Costantino Fioratti
Helen Costantino Fioratti
Helen Fioratti founded L’Antiquaire in 1965 and merged with The Connoisseur, to form L’Antiquaire & The Connoisseur Inc. in 1982. Under Mrs. Fioratti's direction, the gallery has supplied works of art to museums across America and Europe. She has designed interiors in the U.S., Europe, and the Middle East. She serves on the board of the Art and Antique Dealers League of America, and is a member of the Decorator’s Club and the ASID (American Society of Interior Designers).
Mrs. Fioratti is the co-author of French Antiques (1961; 1990), and The History of Italian Furniture (2004), published in Italy by Giunti under the title, “il mobile italiano dall’antichita allo stile Impero.” She frequently lectures on decorative arts at museums across the country, and was a contributing editor of Connoisseur Magazine, for which she wrote a column entitled "Past Imperfect." Mrs. Fioratti’s article “An Introduction to Neapolitan and Sicilian Furniture,” was featured in The Magazine Antiques.
Mrs. Fioratti has organized several exhibitions and related catalogs, including The Enlightened Eye: Images of Nature Observed and Perfected (1996), The Aesthetic Pursuit: Form, Figure Fantasy and the Pastoral Ideal (1998), Tempting Pandora: European Boxes, 1200-1800 (2000), European Master Drawings (2001), In Noah’s Footsteps: Animals in the Fine and Decorative Arts, 3000 B.C.E.-1850 (2004), The Masterful Hand: European Drawings from the 15th through the end of the 18th century (2005), Reflections of Splendor: European Mirrors from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century (2006), and Illuminating Their World: Three Hundred Years of Light, 1500-1800 (2007).
Helen Fioratti’s daughter, Arianna Fioratti Loreto (Harvard BA, Princeton MA) is the third generation of women involved in the business and is a known artist. Her line of furniture and decorations, N’UOVO, is designed and produced in Italy. Her line is shown annually at the Salone del Mobile in Milan and can be seen year-round in her Florence showroom. Her paintings and drawings are available in New York at L’Antiquaire.
The N’UOVO website can be found at www.nuovoitaly.com.